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Jackie Garner,
wildlife artist

You can commission
me to illustrate books, magazines, greetings cards, etc, or licence
my work for your products.
work predominantly in acrylics and watercolour but am happy to embrace
other media according to the needs of the commission.
contact me to discuss your needs.
The Wildlife
Artist’s Handbook
The Wildlife Artist's Handbook is the first book I've
both written and illustrated (though illustrations by other artists
are included). It's the book I wish I'd had available at the start
of my wildlife art career, as it guides the reader from beginner
to semi-professional. It's a thoroughly practical how-to-draw-and-paint
guide but includes wildlife in art history, composition, anatomy,
exhibiting your work and much more. Soft cover, 55,000 words and
250 images. The publisher is Crowood Press. More
View some of my illustrations
a signed copy
The Birds
of Gloucestershire
provided some of the illustrations for the forthcoming book of
the Birds of Gloucestershire. My illustrations are monochrome
watercolour. I've provided ten illustrations - including barn
owl, dipper, peregrine, red kite (pictured), and wren - and will
be one of a team of illustrators including Peter Partington, Chris
Rose, Keith Shackleton and D I M (Ian) Wallace. The publisher
is Liverpool University Press.
my illustrations
double page spreads
Birds of Gloucestershire (Buy from Amazon)
The Snowy
Owl (Poyser monograph)
illustrations comprise twelve monochrome chapter headings and
frontispiece with colour illustrations for the cover: front, back
and spine. All illustrations are watercolour. The authors are
Richard Sale & Eugene Potapov. The publishers are Yale University
Press and Poyser.
of the World
recently been illustrating a book on the world’s grouse species
for authors Richard Sale & Roald Potapov. I have produced 45 watercolour
images showing the male (in display pose) and female of each species
plus winter plumages where appropriate. Publisher is New Holland,
published October 2013.
Yearbook 2014
I've provided
the cover illustration of a Smew. The brief was to include two
birds, one of which has to be facing the viewer. Any bird on the
British List can be chosen by the artist, as long as it has not
featured on a cover design previously. I chose Smew because they
are one of my favourite ducks and they generally seem to be popular
with most birders. The Smews' distinctive markings suited a bold
Birding World
Sometimes existing work is used rather than commissioning new
illustrations. My acrylic Sunlight
& Shadow was used for the cover of Birding World (March 2011,
issue number 290).

Birds in Ancient Egypt: An Identification Guide
A recent venture is a ground-breaking research project illustrating
the birds of ancient Egyptian art for a new book: A Guide to the
Birds of Ancient Egypt. In 2008 I spent six weeks in Egypt with
a team of researchers, led by ornitho-egyptologist John Wyatt investigating
wildlife art in museums, tombs and temples. My role was to make
as accurate as possible representations of the art when a photographic
image was not possible. In practice this often meant sketching by
Ancient Egypt wildlife pictures