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Jackie Garner, British wildlife artist

Wildlife artist's blog


The Wildlife Art of
Ancient Egypt
I'm illustrating a book about the incredible wildlife paintings and hieroglyphs created by the Ancient Egyptians >> The Wildlife Art of Ancient Egypt

Golden Eagle

Golden Brown
painting in acrylics

Greetings cards now available

Buy online or see more like this in my wildlife art shop

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The Wildlife Artist's Handbook

Click here to buy The Wildlife Artist's Handbook
Order your signed copy now!

Click here for information about my Wildlife Art Talks & Workshops including topics and testimonials. Now booking for 2021-22. Watch a video preview of my 'Focus on the Falklands' talk

'Eye of the Beholder' painting of African Elephant in acrylics

Eye of the Beholder painting of African Elephant in acrylics
Large and small canvas prints available

Follow GarnerArt on Twitter

Goose of Meidum

New Website!
I'm thrilled to share that I have a whole new website, devoted to my new collections inspired by gemstones, minerals, rocks and fossils.

I've always been inspired by the natural world, especially the repeating patterns and natural colour palettes. Uncovering the rich patterns and textures of minerals, rocks and fossils has been a relevation, and I'm constantly finding new ideas and trying new techniques - which need a whole new website to show them off!

Please visit my new website to see my latest work

Posted 15/02/25

Jackie Garner, British Wildlife Artist

I'm a British wildlife artist, who paints UK and international wildlife. Like many wildlife artists, I've been inspired by visits overseas, in my case to the Falkland Islands, Egypt, Spain and India. I've also been commissioned for various wildlife illustration projects. I'm a keen birder so many of my works are paintings of British birds - however I also embrace all of the natural world in my wildlife art. See my wildlife artist profile

Wildlife Art Gallery
My artwork usually starts with experiencing wildlife in its own environment. My sketches are made outdoors in front of the subject, and they either remain as sketches or are later worked up in the studio. You can see examples of my wildlife paintings, in the online wildlife art gallery

Falklands penguins, painting in acrylics, link to Falklands page

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